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Home > Hall Lanterns, Hanging Lamps, & Wall Lamps > Victorian Library Lamps

Victorian Library Lamps

The American Library Lamp was often a focal point in the Library and Dining room of a Victorian home. The better examples of these hanging lamps were even more spectacular than the Banquet table lamps or parlor lamps from the same period. Library Lamps, one of the grandest of all Victorian Lamps, were often decorated with embossed fonts and fabulous castings depicting flowers, cherubs, birds, starbursts and dragonflies. Colorful prisms and jewels adorned the shade holder banding. Crowning the Library Lamp was the grandest of all lampshades - the 14" dome. Many embossed and optic patterns were applied to the 14" domes, as well as hand painted floral. Favorite glass colors were cranberry, ruby, blue and pink.

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Roses Library Lamp with Hand Painted Shade & Font

Roses Library Lamp with Hand Painted Shade & Font