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Hanging Lamp Hardware

Lamp Chain, Smoke Bells, Chain Connectors for Kerosene Era Lighting.

Smoke bells were an essential part of most parlor lamps or library lamps. Their function was to deflect the smoke and heat rising from the lamp chimney that would otherwise damage or befoul the lamp hardware (chain and canopy) and ceiling above. Our smoke bells are careful reproductions of antique smoke bells and should enhance the looks of any parlor lamp or early kerosene hanging lamp.

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1 - 29 of 29 products  

Glass Smoke Bell For Hanging Lamps

Glass Smoke Bell For Hanging Lamps

Miller /Rochester Smoke Bell

Miller /Rochester
Smoke Bell

3/4 Inch Brass Plated Steel S Hook

3/4 Inch Brass Plated
Steel S Hook

1 5/16 inch Zinc Plated Steel S Hook

1 5/16 inch Zinc Plated Steel S Hook

15/16 Inch Light, Solid Brass S Hook

15/16 Inch Light, Solid
Brass S Hook

5/8 Inch Brass Plated Steel S Hook

5/8 Inch Brass Plated
Steel S Hook

4" Mammoth Size, Solid Brass "S" Hook

4" Mammoth Size, Solid
Brass "S" Hook

Iron Dolphin Hook

Iron Dolphin Hook

Iron Victorian Hook

Iron Victorian Hook

Stamped Brass Smooth Design Ball Stop

1" Stamped Brass, Smooth Design Ball Stop

Brass Embossed Rosette Design Ball Stop

1 1/8" Brass Embossed Rosette Design Ball Stop

Die Cast Brass Chain Connector

Die Cast Brass Chain Connector

Small Cast Brass Chain Connector

Small Cast Brass Chain Connector

2" Brass Chain Connector for Ladder Chain

2" Brass Chain Connector for Ladder Chain

2 1/16" Stamped Brass Chain Connector

2 1/16" Brass Chain Connector

Brass Chain Connector w/Embossed Design

Brass Chain Connector w/Embossed Design

2" Stamped Brass Chain Connector

2" Stamped Brass Chain Connector

9" Die Cast Brass Chain Link

9" Die Cast Brass Chain Link

10" Brass Twist Chain Link w/Embossed Floral Design

10" Brass Twist Chain Link w/Embossed Floral Design

9 7/8" Early Style Brass Chain Link

9 7/8" Early Style Brass Chain Link

Cast Brass Chain Link w/Embossed Rose

Cast Brass Chain Link w/Embossed Rose

Beautiful Solid Brass Embossed Font Cup

3 3/8" I.D. Beautiful Embossed Brass Font Cup

Beautiful Solid Brass Embossed Font Cup

3 3/8" I.D., B & H Style Embossed Font Cup

#16 Brass Double Jack Chain

#16 Brass Double Jack Chain

#18 Brass Ladder Chain

#18 Brass Ladder Chain

#18 Brass Double Jack Chain

#18 Brass Double Jack Chain

#16 Black Oxide Steel, Double Jack Chain

#16 Black Oxide Steel, Double Jack Chain

5 5/8" Cast Brass Hanging Lamp Leveler

5 5/8" Cast Brass Hanging Lamp Leveler

Hall Lantern Smoke Plate

Hall Lantern Smoke Plate